Source code for jinja2schema.mergers

# coding: utf-8
import itertools

from .model import Scalar, Dictionary, List, Unknown, Tuple
from .exceptions import MergeException

[docs]def merge(fst, snd): """Merges two variables. :param fst: first variable :type fst: :class:`.model.Variable` :param snd: second variable :type snd: :class:`.model.Variable` .. note:: ``fst`` must reflect expressions that occur in template **before** the expressions of ``snd``. """ assert (not (fst.linenos and snd.linenos) or max(fst.linenos) <= min(snd.linenos)) if isinstance(fst, Unknown): result = snd elif isinstance(snd, Unknown): result = fst elif isinstance(fst, Scalar) and isinstance(snd, Scalar): fst_type = type(fst) snd_type = type(snd) if issubclass(fst_type, snd_type): result = fst_type() elif issubclass(snd_type, fst_type): result = snd_type() else: raise MergeException(fst, snd) elif isinstance(fst, Dictionary) and isinstance(snd, Dictionary): result = Dictionary() for k in set(itertools.chain(fst.iterkeys(), snd.iterkeys())): if k in fst and k in snd: result[k] = merge(fst[k], snd[k]) elif k in fst: result[k] = fst[k] elif k in snd: result[k] = snd[k] elif isinstance(fst, List) and isinstance(snd, List): result = List(merge(fst.item, snd.item)) elif isinstance(fst, Tuple) and isinstance(snd, Tuple): if fst.items is snd.items is None: result = Tuple(None) else: if len(fst.items) != len(snd.items): raise MergeException(fst, snd) result = Tuple([merge(a, b) for a, b in zip(fst.items, snd.items)]) else: raise MergeException(fst, snd) result.label = fst.label or snd.label result.linenos = list(sorted(set(fst.linenos + snd.linenos))) result.constant = fst.constant result.may_be_defined = fst.may_be_defined result.used_with_default = fst.used_with_default and snd.used_with_default return result
def merge_rtypes(fst, snd, operator=None): if operator in ('+', '-'): if type(fst) is not type(snd) and not (isinstance(fst, Unknown) or isinstance(snd, Unknown)): raise MergeException(fst, snd) return merge(fst, snd)