Source code for jinja2schema.visitors.expr

# coding: utf-8

Expression is an instance of :class:`jinja2.nodes.Expr`.
Expression visitors return a tuple which contains expression type and expression structure.
import functools

from jinja2 import nodes

from ..model import Scalar, Dictionary, List, Unknown, Tuple, String, Number, Boolean
from ..mergers import merge_rtypes, merge
from ..exceptions import InvalidExpression, UnexpectedExpression, MergeException
from .. import _compat
from .util import visit_many

[docs]class Context(object): """ Context is used when parsing expressions. Suppose there is an expression:: {{ data.field.subfield }} It has the following AST:: Getattr( node=Getattr( node=Name(name='data') attr='field' ), attr='subfield' ) :func:`visit_getattr` returns a pair that looks like this:: ( # return type: Scalar(...), # structure: { 'data: { 'field': { 'subfield': Scalar(...) } } } } The return type is defined by the outermost :class:`nodes.Getattr` node, which in this case is being printed. The structure is build during AST traversal from outer to inners nodes and it is kind of "reversed" in relation to the AST. :class:`Context` is intended for: * capturing a return type and passing it to the innermost expression node; * passing a structure "under construction" to the visitors of nested nodes. Let's look through an example. Suppose :func:`visit_getattr` is called with the following arguments:: ast = Getattr(node=Getattr(node=Name(name='data'), attr='field'), attr='subfield')) context = Context(return_struct_cls=Scalar, predicted_struct=Scalar()) It looks to the outermost AST node and based on it's type (which is :class:`nodes.Getattr`) and it's ``attr`` field (which equals to ``"subfield"``) infers that a variable described by the nested AST node must a dictionary with ``"subfield"`` key. It calls a visitor for inner node and :func:`visit_getattr` gets called again, but with different arguments:: ast = Getattr(node=Name(name='data', ctx='load'), attr='field') ctx = Context(return_struct_cls=Scalar, predicted_struct=Dictionary({subfield: Scalar()})) :func:`visit_getattr` applies the same logic again. The inner node is a :class:`nodes.Name`, so that it calls :func:`visit_name` with the following arguments:: ast = Name(name='data') ctx = Context( return_struct_cls=Scalar, predicted_struct=Dictionary({ field: Dictionary({subfield: Scalar()})) }) ) :func:`visit_name` does not do much by itself. Based on a context it knows what structure and what type must have a variable described by a given :class:`nodes.Name` node, so it just returns a pair:: (instance of context.return_struct_cls, Dictionary({data: context.predicted_struct}}) """ def __init__(self, ctx=None, return_struct_cls=None, predicted_struct=None): self.predicted_struct = None self.return_struct_cls = Unknown if ctx: self.predicted_struct = ctx.predicted_struct self.return_struct_cls = ctx.return_struct_cls if predicted_struct: self.predicted_struct = predicted_struct if return_struct_cls: self.return_struct_cls = return_struct_cls
[docs] def get_predicted_struct(self, label=None): rv = self.predicted_struct.clone() if label: rv.label = label return rv
[docs] def meet(self, actual_struct, actual_ast): try: merge(self.predicted_struct, actual_struct) except MergeException: raise UnexpectedExpression(self.predicted_struct, actual_ast, actual_struct) else: return True
expr_visitors = {}
[docs]def visits_expr(node_cls): """Decorator that registers a function as a visitor for ``node_cls``. :param node_cls: subclass of :class:`jinja2.nodes.Expr` """ def decorator(func): expr_visitors[node_cls] = func @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped_func(ast, ctx, config): assert isinstance(ast, node_cls) return func(ast, ctx, config) return wrapped_func return decorator
[docs]def visit_expr(ast, ctx, config): """Returns a structure of ``ast``. :param ctx: :class:`Context` :param ast: instance of :class:`jinja2.nodes.Expr` :returns: a tuple where the first element is an expression type (instance of :class:`Variable`) and the second element is an expression structure (instance of :class:`.model.Dictionary`) """ visitor = expr_visitors.get(type(ast)) if not visitor: for node_cls, visitor_ in _compat.iteritems(expr_visitors): if isinstance(ast, node_cls): visitor = visitor_ if not visitor: raise Exception('expression visitor for {} is not found'.format(type(ast))) return visitor(ast, ctx, config)
def _visit_dict(ast, ctx, items, config): """A common logic behind nodes.Dict and nodes.Call (``{{ dict(a=1) }}``) visitors. :param items: a list of (key, value); key may be either AST node or string """, ast) rtype = Dictionary.from_ast(ast, constant=True) struct = Dictionary() for key, value in items: value_rtype, value_struct = visit_expr(value, Context( predicted_struct=Unknown.from_ast(value)), config) struct = merge(struct, value_struct) if isinstance(key, nodes.Node): key_rtype, key_struct = visit_expr(key, Context(predicted_struct=Scalar.from_ast(key)), config) struct = merge(struct, key_struct) if isinstance(key, nodes.Const): rtype[key.value] = value_rtype elif isinstance(key, _compat.string_types): rtype[key] = value_rtype return rtype, struct @visits_expr(nodes.BinExpr)
[docs]def visit_bin_expr(ast, ctx, config): l_rtype, l_struct = visit_expr(ast.left, ctx, config) r_rtype, r_struct = visit_expr(ast.right, ctx, config) return merge_rtypes(l_rtype, r_rtype, operator=ast.operator), merge(l_struct, r_struct)
[docs]def visit_unary_expr(ast, ctx, config): return visit_expr(ast.node, ctx, config)
[docs]def visit_compare(ast, ctx, config): rtype, struct = visit_expr(ast.expr, ctx, config) for op in ast.ops: op_rtype, op_struct = visit_expr(op.expr, ctx, config) struct = merge(struct, op_struct) return Boolean.from_ast(ast), struct
[docs]def visit_slice(ast, ctx, config): nodes = [node for node in [ast.start, ast.stop, ast.step] if node is not None] struct = visit_many(nodes, config, predicted_struct_cls=Number, return_struct_cls=Number) return Unknown(), struct
[docs]def visit_name(ast, ctx, config): kwargs = {} return ctx.return_struct_cls.from_ast(ast, **kwargs), Dictionary({ ctx.get_predicted_struct( })
[docs]def visit_getattr(ast, ctx, config): context = Context( ctx=ctx, predicted_struct=Dictionary.from_ast(ast, { ast.attr: ctx.get_predicted_struct(label=ast.attr), })) return visit_expr(ast.node, context, config)
[docs]def visit_getitem(ast, ctx, config): arg = ast.arg if isinstance(arg, nodes.Const): if isinstance(arg.value, int): if config.TYPE_OF_VARIABLE_INDEXED_WITH_INTEGER_TYPE == 'list': predicted_struct = List.from_ast(ast, ctx.get_predicted_struct()) elif config.TYPE_OF_VARIABLE_INDEXED_WITH_INTEGER_TYPE == 'dictionary': predicted_struct = Dictionary.from_ast(ast, { arg.value: ctx.get_predicted_struct(), }) elif isinstance(arg.value, _compat.string_types): predicted_struct = Dictionary.from_ast(ast, { arg.value: ctx.get_predicted_struct(label=arg.value), }) else: raise InvalidExpression(arg, '{} is not supported as an index for a list or' ' a key for a dictionary'.format(arg.value)) elif isinstance(arg, nodes.Slice): predicted_struct = List.from_ast(ast, ctx.get_predicted_struct()) else: if config.TYPE_OF_VARIABLE_INDEXED_WITH_VARIABLE_TYPE == 'list': predicted_struct = List.from_ast(ast, ctx.get_predicted_struct()) elif config.TYPE_OF_VARIABLE_INDEXED_WITH_VARIABLE_TYPE == 'dictionary': predicted_struct = Dictionary.from_ast(ast) _, arg_struct = visit_expr(arg, Context(predicted_struct=Scalar.from_ast(arg)), config) rtype, struct = visit_expr(ast.node, Context( ctx=ctx, predicted_struct=predicted_struct), config) return rtype, merge(struct, arg_struct)
[docs]def visit_test(ast, ctx, config): if in ('divisibleby', 'escaped', 'even', 'lower', 'odd', 'upper'):, ast) predicted_struct = Scalar.from_ast(ast.node) elif in ('defined', 'undefined', 'equalto', 'iterable', 'mapping', 'none', 'number', 'sameas', 'sequence', 'string'): predicted_struct = Unknown.from_ast(ast.node) else: raise InvalidExpression(ast, 'unknown test "{}"'.format( rtype, struct = visit_expr(ast.node, Context(return_struct_cls=Boolean, predicted_struct=predicted_struct), config) if == 'divisibleby': if not ast.args: raise InvalidExpression(ast, 'divisibleby must have an argument') _, arg_struct = visit_expr(ast.args[0], Context(predicted_struct=Number.from_ast(ast.args[0])), config) struct = merge(arg_struct, struct) return rtype, struct
[docs]def visit_concat(ast, ctx, config):, ast) return String.from_ast(ast), \ visit_many(ast.nodes, config, predicted_struct_cls=String)
[docs]def visit_cond_expr(ast, ctx, config): if config.ALLOW_ONLY_BOOLEAN_VARIABLES_IN_TEST: test_predicted_struct = Boolean.from_ast(ast.test) else: test_predicted_struct = Unknown.from_ast(ast.test) test_rtype, test_struct = visit_expr(ast.test, Context(predicted_struct=test_predicted_struct), config) if_rtype, if_struct = visit_expr(ast.expr1, ctx, config) else_rtype, else_struct = visit_expr(ast.expr2, ctx, config) struct = merge(merge(if_struct, test_struct), else_struct) rtype = merge_rtypes(if_rtype, else_rtype) if (isinstance(ast.test, nodes.Test) and isinstance(ast.test.node, nodes.Name) and in ('defined', 'undefined')): struct[].may_be_defined = True return rtype, struct
[docs]def visit_call(ast, ctx, config): if isinstance(ast.node, nodes.Name): if == 'range':, ast) struct = Dictionary() for arg in ast.args: arg_rtype, arg_struct = visit_expr(arg, Context( predicted_struct=Number.from_ast(arg)), config) struct = merge(struct, arg_struct) return List(Number()), struct elif == 'lipsum':, ast) struct = Dictionary() # perhaps TODO: set possible types for args and kwargs for arg in ast.args: arg_rtype, arg_struct = visit_expr(arg, Context(predicted_struct=Scalar.from_ast(arg)), config) struct = merge(struct, arg_struct) for kwarg in ast.kwargs: arg_rtype, arg_struct = visit_expr(kwarg.value, Context(predicted_struct=Scalar.from_ast(kwarg)), config) struct = merge(struct, arg_struct) return Scalar(), struct elif == 'dict':, ast) if ast.args: raise InvalidExpression(ast, 'dict accepts only keyword arguments') return _visit_dict(ast, ctx, [(kwarg.key, kwarg.value) for kwarg in ast.kwargs], config) else: raise InvalidExpression(ast, '"{}" call is not supported yet'.format(
[docs]def visit_filter(ast, ctx, config): return_struct_cls = None if in ('abs', 'striptags', 'capitalize', 'center', 'escape', 'filesizeformat', 'float', 'forceescape', 'format', 'indent', 'int', 'replace', 'round', 'safe', 'string', 'striptags', 'title', 'trim', 'truncate', 'upper', 'urlencode', 'urlize', 'wordcount', 'wordwrap', 'e'):, ast) if in ('abs', 'float', 'int', 'round', ): node_struct = Number.from_ast(ast.node) return_struct_cls = Number elif in ('striptags', 'capitalize', 'center', 'escape', 'forceescape', 'format', 'indent', 'replace', 'safe', 'title', 'trim', 'truncate', 'upper', 'urlencode', 'urliize', 'wordwrap', 'e'): node_struct = String.from_ast(ast.node) return_struct_cls = String elif == 'filesizeformat': node_struct = Number.from_ast(ast.node) return_struct_cls = String elif == 'string': node_struct = Scalar.from_ast(ast.node) return_struct_cls = String elif == 'wordcount': node_struct = String.from_ast(ast.node) return_struct_cls = Number else: node_struct = Scalar.from_ast(ast.node) elif in ('batch', 'slice'):, ast) node_struct = merge( List(List(Unknown(), linenos=[ast.node.lineno]), linenos=[ast.node.lineno]), ctx.get_predicted_struct() ).item elif == 'default': default_value_rtype, default_value_struct = visit_expr( ast.args[0], Context(predicted_struct=Unknown.from_ast(ast.args[0])), config) node_struct = merge( ctx.get_predicted_struct(), default_value_rtype, ) node_struct.used_with_default = True elif == 'dictsort':[Scalar(), Unknown()])), ast) node_struct = Dictionary.from_ast(ast.node) elif == 'join':, ast) node_struct = List.from_ast(ast.node, String()) rtype, struct = visit_expr(ast.node, Context( return_struct_cls=String, predicted_struct=node_struct ), config) arg_rtype, arg_struct = visit_expr(ast.args[0], Context(predicted_struct=Scalar.from_ast(ast.args[0])), config) return rtype, merge(struct, arg_struct) elif in ('first', 'last', 'random', 'length', 'sum'): if in ('first', 'last', 'random'): el_struct = ctx.get_predicted_struct() elif == 'length':, ast) el_struct = Unknown() else:, ast) el_struct = Scalar() node_struct = List.from_ast(ast.node, el_struct) elif in ('groupby', 'map', 'reject', 'rejectattr', 'select', 'selectattr', 'sort'):, ast) node_struct = merge( List(Unknown()), ctx.get_predicted_struct() ) elif == 'list':, ast) node_struct = merge( List(Scalar.from_ast(ast.node)), ctx.get_predicted_struct() ).item elif == 'pprint':, ast) node_struct = ctx.get_predicted_struct() elif == 'xmlattr':, ast) node_struct = Dictionary.from_ast(ast.node) elif == 'attr': raise InvalidExpression(ast, 'attr filter is not supported') else: raise InvalidExpression(ast, 'unknown filter') rv = visit_expr(ast.node, Context( ctx=ctx, return_struct_cls=return_struct_cls, predicted_struct=node_struct ), config) return rv # :class:`nodes.Literal` visitors
[docs]def visit_template_data(ast, ctx, config): return Scalar(), Dictionary()
[docs]def visit_const(ast, ctx, config):, ast) if isinstance(ast.value, _compat.string_types): rtype = String.from_ast(ast, constant=True) elif isinstance(ast.value, (int, float, complex)): rtype = Number.from_ast(ast, constant=True) elif isinstance(ast.value, bool): rtype = Boolean.from_ast(ast, constant=True) else: rtype = Scalar.from_ast(ast, constant=True) return rtype, Dictionary()
[docs]def visit_tuple(ast, ctx, config):, ast) struct = Dictionary() item_structs = [] for item in ast.items: item_rtype, item_struct = visit_expr(item, ctx, config) item_structs.append(item_rtype) struct = merge(struct, item_struct) rtype = Tuple.from_ast(ast, item_structs, constant=True) return rtype, struct
[docs]def visit_list(ast, ctx, config):, ast) struct = Dictionary() predicted_struct = merge(List(Unknown()), ctx.get_predicted_struct()).item el_rtype = None for item in ast.items: item_rtype, item_struct = visit_expr(item, Context(predicted_struct=predicted_struct), config) struct = merge(struct, item_struct) if el_rtype is None: el_rtype = item_rtype else: el_rtype = merge_rtypes(el_rtype, item_rtype) rtype = List.from_ast(ast, el_rtype or Unknown(), constant=True) return rtype, struct
[docs]def visit_dict(ast, ctx, config):, ast) return _visit_dict(ast, ctx, [(item.key, item.value) for item in ast.items], config)